The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships “What Design Thinking can do for integration of migrants and refugees” project moves on. The University of Vigo in Spain hosted a staff-training event „Crash course in Design Thinking” from 4 to 6 February 2019. Continue reading “UVigo hosted a “Crash course in Design Thinking””
Graceland hosts IROs Forum
Graceland hosted IROs Forum, a network of leading Polish state universities which includes professionals and experts in internationalization.
The meeting provided an occasion for sharing information about our recent projects addressing migrants’ problems: „Inclusive communities through interactive language innovation” coordinated by Aftenskolen i Kristiansand and Graceland’s „What Design Thinking can do for migrants and refugees”. Both projects are co-funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.
Graceland hosts kick-off meeting of the Inclusive Communities project
The „Inclusive communities through interactive language innovation” project was officially launched during the kick-off meeting in Katowice, Poland on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2018. Partners from the Netherlands, Norway and Poland came together to discuss project management procedures and development of intellectual outputs. Continue reading “Graceland hosts kick-off meeting of the Inclusive Communities project”
What Design Thinking can do for integration of migrants and refugees
We are happy to receive news from Erasmus+ National Agency that another project submitted by Graceland in cooperation with Eduplius in Lithuania and the University of Vigo in Spain has been accepted for funding. The project aims at providing youth workers with practical tips for using Design Thinking to reduce anxiety and fear in order to integrate migrants and refugees in local communities. It will result in developing a handbook ’What Design Thinking can do for integration of migrants and refugees’ which can be used by both management and entrepreneurship teachers as an example of practical implementation of DT method, and by persons and institutions dealing with migrants which search for new methods for their activity. The project starts in November.
Inclusive communities through interactive language innovation
Great news from Aftenskolen Agder in Norway that has been awarded an Erasmus+ grant for a Strategic Partnership project „Inclusive communities through interactive language innovation”. The project aims at achieving a better integration of immigrants through gamifying language learning and involving host communities in this process. The partnership includes language schools and multicultural organisations from Norway, Finland, the Netherlands and Poland. We are very much looking forward to starting the project!
Graceland joins the UNITED for Intercultural Action network
We are proud to announce that Graceland has just become part of the UNITED for Intercultural Action network of organizations across Europe that oppose nationalism, racism, fascism and support migrants and refugees. Continue reading “Graceland joins the UNITED for Intercultural Action network”